Washington County Vermont
Welcome to
the Vermont AHGP new home on
the web. My name is Judy White and I will be taking care of this
site until a new State Coordinator steps forward!! Things will
stay pretty much the same as they were, except we will add new
information, new county coordinators and needed repairs. If you
would like to join us, please just click on
Washington County was incorporated
November 1, 1810, by act of the Legislature, and organized
December 1, 1811, with Montpelier as the shire town, taking from
the county of Caledonia, Montpelier, Plainfield, Calais, and
Marshfield; from Orange, Barre, Berlin, and Northfield; from
Chittenden, Stowe, Waterbury, Duxbury, Fayston, Waitsfield,
Moretown, Middlesex, and Worcester, and was called Jefferson
County until 1814, when, the Federal party coming into power, it
was changed to Washington. It is about 34 miles from north to
south, and 31 from east to west, between lat. 44° 1' and 44°
32', and long. 4° 10', east from Washington; bounded N. by
Lamoille and Caledonia Counties; E. by Caledonia and Orange
Counties S. by Orange and Addison Counties, and W. by Addison
and Chittenden Counties. There has been added to it, Roxbury
from Orange County, in 1820, Elmore from Orleans, in 1821,
Warren from Addison, in 1829, Woodbury from Caledonia, in 1835,
and Cabot from Caledonia, in 1855.
Washington County Towns and Villages,
Vermont AHGP