Bits and Pieces from Barre, Vermont

By Stillman Wood, Ex-Postmaster

For a while after the first settlers came in there was no grist-mill in town, and they had to go 20 miles or more to Randolph with their grists. There then was no road through the gulf as at present; they had to go by way of the route since known as the old Paine Turnpike. The first roads built in town were over the hills instead of around them. The object sought was to go as much on dry ground as possible.

At an early day there was a turnpike road chartered and built, commencing at the checkered store in Barre and ending at Chelsea. The gate to this pike was in the town of Washington. This pike was the main thoroughfare south-east, leading from town towards Massachusetts, and an outlet for traffic to and from Boston. At a later date, Ira Day, then the principal merchant in town, obtained a charter for a turnpike through the celebrated gulf in Williamstown. This was found to be a feasible and easily built road, was owned and built principally by Mr. Day and found to be a source of profit, taking away a large part of the travel from the Chelsea route. The gulf road subsequently became the stage route, traversed by six and eight horse coaches, taking the travel from Montpelier and towns north, from Canada, even, and at one time carrying the British mail, which came then by the way of Boston, a British soldier accompanying each mail having his musket always in readiness for depredators.

Stage Coaches and Old-Time Teams, before the advent of railroads, were a prominent feature in the business of Barre, and were owned principally by Ira Day and Mahlon Cottrill, of Montpelier. When the stage horn was heard, there was always a rush for news, and the few moments the stage stopped, spectators were abundant.

Barre was also celebrated for its six and eight horse teams which carried freight to and from Boston, for Montpelier merchants as well as for those in Barre. Six or eight such teams were always on the road, and the regular trips were made once in each three weeks. Among the foremost of these teamsters was Capt. Wm. Bradford. He had one horse who went loo trips without missing a single trip, going, of course, each journey for 6 years without a rest. A large per cent, of the heavy freight drawn consisted of hogsheads of new rum, to supply Montpelier and Barre. Some say as much as one-half, but perhaps one third would be nearer correct.

Stock and Farming. Barre has always held a good rank in raising good horses, some spans selling as high as $1,000 and some stock horses selling for several thousand. As a farming town, Barre ranks among the best in the State.

Formerly sheep and wool-raising was the leading interest, but of late years dairying has taken the lead. Although there are no large dairies in town, those of from lo to 25 cows are numerous. We have one creamery where excellent butter is made, and the milk is used after skimming to make skim cheese. A large amount of Western grain is being used by dairymen; whether to profit or not, is a question to be settled by longer experience. Grain and potatoes, in the early days of the settlers, were much used in the manufacture of whisky, but of late years it has entirely ceased. Potato starch was formerly made in large quantities, potatoes selling at the first introduction of the business from 16 to 14 cents per bushel, delivered at the factory.

Wool-carding and cloth-dressing was formerly quite an extensive business. The first carding works were built by John Baker, and were situated on the site now occupied by the Fork Co. It was also early introduced by Ira Day, near South Barre.

Once on a time Mr. Day and his foreman were in his mill in time of a freshet. The mill was in much danger of going down stream. It soon started, Mr. Day and his man in the meantime rushing for the door, too late to reach dry land, sprang upon some timbers floating within reach. The timbers were sometimes uppermost, and then the men, but after a cool and dangerous ride, both were happy to regain solid ground, wetter, if not better, men than before.

Early Postmasters

John Baker was at a very early day appointed postmaster, and held the office many years. Afterwards it was located at South Barre, and Walter Chaffee appointed P. M. Mr. Chaffee was a large, fleshy man, a tailor with a wooden leg. Each Sunday he would come to church at the north part of the town, with the week's mail in the top of his hat, and deliver the same at noon upon the meeting-house steps, to the various claimants. Postage was then 25 cents for each letter that came over 400 miles; 6 cents and one-fourth was for the shortest distance, each one paying when he got his letter was for the shortest distance, each one paying when he got his letter.

Alvan Carter was the successor of Mr. Chaffee, and held the office a long time. After his time was ended, there was a loud call for a P. O. at the lower village, and warm discussions were held which should be Barre, and which North and South Barre. But the people in the north part of the town carried their point, and since have largely outstripped their southern rival. It is now the main business centre. Since the office has been at the north village, the respective postmasters have been, James Hale, Frances Hale, E. E. French, G. B. Putnam, Stillman Wood, and Wm. A. Perry, the present occupant.

The First Merchants in town were Silas Willard, who built the checked store in the lower village. Ira Day was located at South Barre, and for many years the leading merchant in town. Each year he bought large droves of beef cattle in this and the surrounding towns, for the Boston market, which gave him an extensive and lucrative business, no one knew how to manage better than himself. At the time Gen. Lafayette made the tour of New England, he was the guest of Mr. Day, who furnished a splendid coach and six beautiful white horses for transportation of the General and his suite.

Jack Pollard was also a merchant in those early days, of considerable notoriety. He was famous for collecting large droves of mules which were raised at that time, and sent south. Of late years the business has been entirely abandoned.

Other merchants of a more recent date were:

Harry Tracy
Daniel Spring
Center Lamb
George W. Collamer
John & Charles French
I. A. Phillips
H. W. French

The present merchants

Perry & Camp
H. Z. Mills
John Morrison
Wm. H. Gladding
H. Webster
R. L. Clark
L. M. Averill
J. M. Jackman
G. I. Reynolds
L. J. Bolster, dry goods; men's furnishing goods
G. P. Boyce; drugs and medicines
L. J. Bolster; hardware and tin
Chas. A. Smith; flour and feed

 Until the advent of railroads, the town was well supplied with hotels, or taverns, as the older folks called them. The three principal in an early day were, one at South Barre, owned and run by James Paddock, one at the Lower village, owned by Apollos Hale, and afterwards by James, his son; also one at Gospel village, so called, ½ mile east of Lower village. Judge Keith, the proprietor, was one of the noted men in town, and High Sheriff of the County for several years. He used to relate that from the profits of his office of High Sheriff he built, and paid for building, his tavern stand in one year.

Judge Keith was a man of much influence, and held many and important offices. His family of boys were intelligent and influential, and also became leading men. The late Judge Keith, of Montpelier, was his oldest son.

Subsequently there were at least 6 taverns in town at one time, all doing an extensive business, owing to the large amount of travel which went through town, but since the advent of the railroad, hotels are at a great discount.

When the first settlers commenced to clear their land and raise wheat, the wild pigeons came in great abundance, so much so as to be quite a drawback, and it required great care and skill to protect the crops from their depredations. They might be seen at all hours of the day flying from point to point in different directions all about town. Thousands were caught by nets, but for the want of proper markets, were of little value, except what could be used by the inhabitants, and at some seasons of the year they were lean and scarce fit for the table.

Uncle Brown Dodge, who was famous for his large stories, and told them so often he supposed them to be true, used to relate that once when he had sown a piece of wheat, he saw it covered with pigeons, and went for his old fusee and fired just as the pigeons were rising, and was aware of making an under-shot." Never killed a pigeon, not a pigeon, but mind you," said he, "I went into the field afterwards and picked up two bushels of legs."

Mr. Dodge had three sons. Two of them settled on excellent farms, and became influential and wealthy, and the younger one went with his family as Missionary to the Cherokee Indians. He had two sons, who when grown to man's estate were in need of some one for soothing the rough passage of life. Mr. Dodge, the father, started East, came to Vermont, and when he returned was accompanied by two handsome, young ladies, and very soon after his arrival home, had the satisfaction of seeing his sons both married to Vermont girls. Leonard, the oldest son, became a teacher; the younger son built and run a saw-mill. He was a brave young man, to whom the Indians took an offence, and one day, while standing in his mill, a bullet from an Indian's rifle came rushing through his heart.

Barre Vermont | Vermont AHGP

Source: The History of Washington County, Vermont Historical Gazetteer, Collated and published by, Abby Maria Hemenway, Montpelier, Vermont, 1882.


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